Metfab Metals
Read Our New Website!
We are……..Metfab!!!!!!!!!!
At this time of year, the holiday gift-giving is long past. St. Patrick’s Day is past and Spring is upon us also. But we have another “gift” for you anyway. OUR NEW WEBSITE! With more information for you than ever before.
Of course, this also is not totally unselfish on our part. But it may work out to benefit all of us. You get to know ---and now see vividly---what we have done, and can do; we get to show off what we have done to date, along with a whole lot of other information.
Take a look at the new WWW.METFABMETALS.COM.
While it is far more self-explanatory than its predecessor, let me give you here a brief “window” into Metfab Metals’ new website and what we are trying to add by such a wholesale re-vamping of our singular message to you----------since we first put up a rough website over a dozen years ago.Still-------We are……..Metfab!!!!!!
Two keynotes should strike you about this new site: (1) it has far more illustrations and pictures & (2) it is designed to be “dynamic”. The first point will be obvious once you open our re-designed Home Page. The second point means that the entire site is set up so that we can update pictures, report jobs, change text readily----and we fully intend to do so. All of this is meant to keep our customers, new and established, fully informed as to what we are doing-------and what we can do for you. This is just an example of what’s going on in our industry where technology seems to continually evolve, designs mature and what you need changes.
In past Newsletters (all archived on our new website at we have stressed some truly unique AESS1 jobs we have done. But we must remind you that we do lots of the ordinary, every-day metal fabrication too—and are, of course, happy to get your orders for this work.
Also on our new website are our “archives” where we have stored since 2006 our regular Newsletters to track what we can do for you---and have done. We have talked briefly (or not so briefly at times!) in these media about our capacities, advances and systems in place (or planned) to deliver whatever you need in metals fabrication! This was true when we were challenged by the newest Smithsonian museum (NMAAHC) 2 , where we met finely detailed logistical, engineering and even documentation specs required to successfully complete this signature project.
Metfab Metals has been making small and large AESS parts for more than two (2) decades now, but this growing art form has now expanded into ever more uses and applications. NMAAHC might best be described as the “highest and best” use of this art-----as it runs throughout the entire structure, even outside forming the superstructure of the façade on all four (4) sides.
In our Technology pages, you can now see how AutoCAD and 3-D drawings can let you “see” things you might have had trouble even conceptualizing just 10-20 years ago! We used our expanding office---and shop--- technology to meet the rigorous demands of both production and documentation for this NMAAHC project. We had literally prepared for this job for over twenty years. In these years we have made whatever the customer’s metal fabrication plans required: AESS to Major Mullions to huge stone anchors, trusses and many other specialty metals products 3. The knowledge and skills we acquired over the years now make us fully equipped and able to meet any fabrication, spec or transparency need your job stipulates.
So what will we in 2018 bring you, as our customers here at Metfab Metals? We have worked, studied, learned and understood our marketplace, our industry and----most of all---you, our customers. So much so that we can fulfill any special conditions of your project such as documentation, certifications 4, packing, timing, delivery and so much more. Our new website now illustrates all of this.
In this way, Metfab Metals shows now in 2018, that we are “team players” who want to be part of your regular building team, even the design team, of YOUR jobs so that together we can anticipate for you potential design and production snafu’s, as well as erection issues so we can smoothly deliver precision products to seamlessly become integral parts of truly memorable and lasting buildings. But Metfab Metals not only has a new website, we have decades of experience making custom metal parts and making YOUR jobs go smoothly and end successfully! Call us; you’ll soon see what we have on our website is what happens here every day.
Hudson Yards, NYC, NY ----We have been working here throughout 2015, 2016, 2017 and now into 2018. This massive project built on a formerly-abandoned, in-city railroad car storage yard, up on the West Side of Manhattan, has required both the sophisticated and the mundane; everything from common anchors to classic AESS solid steel mullions, very similar to the same huge pristine mullions we delivered to WTC4. And there are at least two more years of building ahead.
National Museum of African American History & Culture, Wash., DC -----We have written in Newsletters and other sales materials many times about this job. But there’s a reason---a good reason---we are very proud of what we accomplished here. Not only did we do the finest level of AESS work here, we delivered 70+ feet AESS trusses over 200 miles in pristine installation condition. Our new website has many illustrations of this successful project.
Call me for ALL your METALS questions. If I can't answer it, I have all the needed "sources" to do so!
Jim Murray, C.O.O. 973-675-7676
We always offer to work with our customers from the job concept stage to anticipate issues before fabrication, to suggest better ways to order, extrude, cut, drill, paint, finish, even stage and deliver and always to save time and money.
1. AESS is Architecturally Exposed Structural Steel, is what we have now defined many (to some of you regular readers TOO MANY) times as finely -finished steel members (prepped, welded, filled, blasted, polished, and/or uniquely painted/finished) to be permanently open to the view and touch of all after the job is done. AESS work is never covered by sheetrock or otherwise hidden from public view.
2. This is the common and handy acronym for the National Museum of African American History & Culture which now occupies the last lot on the mall facing the Washington Monument. See for a really impressive video and overview of this truly 21st century edifice, the outside of which is built on Metfab Metals AESS trusses!
3. See our September, 2012 Newsletter at “News” on
4. Metfab Metals is an SBE, SAM-certified, AWS-certified and regularly works in tandem with a WBE to meet any specification or set-aside your particular job has! We are also a member of GANA and AISC. We are prepared to meet your project’s most stringent spec.