As a company, we try to regularly (most often, monthly) issue a brief outline of a current issue for our industry. This is all done electronically via email. This process is overseen by our owner, Jim Murray, who often authors part of this content, informs this process with his 30+ years of metals experience and projects his daily involvement in all that we produce. These Newsletters can and do cover a spectrum of matters from a major project we are supplying to an issue of application to the construction industry as a whole. We have also used this medium to instruct on an evolving trend, such as LEED requirements, “Buy American” requirements, GREEN code upgrades and more. We issue these Newsletters to all interested parties (not just existing customers) and welcome new recipients via our website button. If you have a subject we can treat, just contact us. If you want copies to go to more of your employees, just send us the appropriate email addresses. Read the 10+ years of these Newsletters we keep online here in our website archives.
[A sample milled bar of solid steel, made precisely to give a customer the hands-on "feel" of our work! Read the Newsletter
Metals makes them all! Read the Newsletter