Metfab Metals' Outlook for 2021
Our owner, Jim Murray, founded this company as a very young man over 30 years ago. From the outset, he has worked closely with new and then established customers to not only get the current job right, but to maintain contact and communications for future work. This has made Metfab Metals, LLC what it is today----an established but growing and vibrant company. Part and parcel of our relationship with customers has been our unbroken contact with our customers, our ever-current technology and our commitment to the very best work available in this field of metal fabrication. An essential conduit of important aspects of this is our monthly Newsletters and interim bulletins.
These Newsletters have covered major projects, particular products, industry innovations and trends, as well as issues of broad application to the construction industry as a whole, such as:
• New Projects;
• Industry Innovation
• transportation and delivery logistics;
• LEED requirements;
• “Buy American” mandates;
• GREEN code upgrades;
• and so much more.
We issue these Newsletters to all interested parties (not just existing customers) and welcome new recipients via our website button. If you have a subject we can treat, just contact us. If you want copies to go to more of your employees, just send us the appropriate email addresses. Two decades of these Newsletters are archived here now. Use these as ready information sources for your jobs too. Or just call Jim.

Boston’s Newest Show-Piece 21st Century Project is in Our Shop Now
MEMBER: While we do a good deal of our jobs (especially for regular customers or on an emergency basis) in the tri-state area, one such regular customer (Island Properties of NY) has commissioned us to supply the specialty steel they need for a Boston job of significant public dimension. Read the Newsletter

MEMBER: We Are Supplying the New “LGA Airport Reconfiguration”
at LaGuardia Airport’s Delta Terminal Look at this current production of specialty soffits for this special project: Metfab Metals has supplied many high-profile public projects over the last three decades, but none is more acutely felt by New York’s traveling public as LaGuardia’s aging airport. Read the Newsletter

MEMBER: “Glass Shoes”: Another Specialty of Metfab Metals In our industry, no one thinks the above term refers to footwear. Read the Newsletter

We Create Specialty Metals for Residential Projects Too
MEMBER: YIMBY Is Telling a Story that is Real for Us Already Metfab Metals has supplied a lot of well-known commercial jobs in New York City, Washington, DC., Philadelphia and even nationwide. Read the Newsletter

We Are Proud to Contribute to this Featured Project
MEMBER: GOOGLEPLEX Is Becoming a Reality Metfab Metals has supplied a lot of famous jobs in New York City. Read the Newsletter

MEMBER: We Also Supply RETRO-FIT Projects
Of course, Metfab Metals doesn’t work just locally or in New York City. Read the Newsletter

MEMBER: Despite Pandemic, We Continue to Supply Our Customers
[Courtesy of Tishman-Speyer, 2021] The above cutaway is from a 21st century rendering of “The Spiral” that just topped out in January this year. Read the Newsletter

MEMBER: Even During This COVID-19 Pandemic, We Meet Production Goals
As we have re-stated many times during this virus pandemic that has killed and made sick so many, we have complied with all the State Executive Orders and all federal CDC safety guidelines to protect our employees and our customers from COVID-19. Read the Newsletter

MEMBER: Retro-Fit & Retro-Clad Update
[More Custom Frames Rready for Shipment]
Last year in our February 2020 Newsletter, we commented on two of the RETRO jobs we were then completing. Read the Newsletter

MEMBER: Happy New Year, Good Health & an End to COVID-19
[Another load of custom mullion reinforcements, ready for shipment]
This is usually the time of year when most of us make resolutions to do better things in the New Year! Read the Newsletter